Saturday 17 June 2017

Easy peasy "Mongo Delight" recipe

Hi every I hope you are all well

As ramadan is almost over but still the weather is super hot and it might not be easy for everyone and prepare time consujing iftaari for others while fasting yourself so today I'm going to share a secret recipe to make the regular mangoes even more tasty and luxurious and the best part is it's super easy you don't have to stand in kitchen for long so lets get started

Things you will need?

3 to 4 medium sized mangoes
2 packs of Nestle cream (you can use any but I prefer this one)
2 table spoon suger
1/4 cup of milk
Jelly of your choice (I'm using strawberry)


First things first you need cook the jelly by putting 2 cups of water (remember we want the consistency to be thick because it will be easy to work with) and add the jelly mix then stir until there are no bumps and its ready boiling then remove the pan from the stove and let it get a little normal for five minutes then pour the mixture in a huge dish and leave it there then on the other hand slice the mangoes in cubes then you need to store them in the refrigerator (jelly and mangoes both) then here comes the cream pour it into a bowl and add the sugar in here and mix it well then to change the consistency slowly pour the milk in to it and mix as well once you are done check the jelly if it is ready and if it is you are good to go slice the jelly in cubes or rectangle with the help of a knife then lay all the mangoes on an empty dish pour the cream mixture there after the mangoes and the last step put the jelly on top to finish the dish and serve it

It's definitely a surprise for little ones to see mangoes hidden in the dishes plus it tastes heavenly I'm sure once you try it you'll know what i actually means and you didn't have to spend hours in the kitchen to prepare it

I hope you liked today's recipe please do give me some feed back on how you liked it plus if you want me to cover any other recipes and be sure to follow me here as well as on my social handles

Until Next time :
Stay Gorgeous